Windows 11 De Bloat Script

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#  The apps below this line WILL be uninstalled by default. Add a # character in front of any app you want to    #
#   KEEP installed by default.                                                                                   #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# List of app package names
$appList = @(
    "Microsoft.549981C3F5F10", # Cortana app
    "Microsoft.Getstarted", # Cannot be uninstalled in Windows 11
    "Microsoft.XboxApp", # Old Xbox Console Companion App
    "MicrosoftCorporationII.MicrosoftFamily", # Family Safety App
    "MicrosoftTeams", # Old MS Teams personal (MS Store)
    "MSTeams", # New MS Teams app

    "Asphalt8Airborne ",
    "Royal Revolt",
    "Microsoft.YourPhone", # Phone link
    "Microsoft.MSPaint"                      # Paint 3D

# Iterate over each app name and try to remove it
foreach ($appName in $appList) {
    Write-Host "Processing $appName..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Get-AppxPackage -Name $appName -PackageTypeFilter Main, Bundle, Resource -AllUsers |
    Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#  The apps below this line will NOT be uninstalled by default. Remove the # character in front of any app you  #
#   want to UNINSTALL by default.                                                                               #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#Microsoft.BingSearch                   # Web Search from Microsoft Bing (Integrates into Windows Search)
#Microsoft.Copilot                      # New Windows Copilot app
#Microsoft.Edge                         # Edge browser (Can only be uninstalled in European Economic Area)
#Microsoft.GetHelp                      # Required for some Windows 11 Troubleshooters
#Microsoft.OneDrive                     # OneDrive consumer
#Microsoft.Paint                        # Classic Paint
#Microsoft.ScreenSketch                 # Snipping Tool
#Microsoft.Whiteboard                   # Only preinstalled on devices with touchscreen and/or pen support
#Microsoft.WindowsStore                 # Microsoft Store, WARNING: This app cannot be reinstalled!
#Microsoft.WindowsTerminal              # New default terminal app in windows 11
#Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI                    # UI framework, seems to be required for MS store, photos and certain games
#Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider         # Xbox sign-in framework, required for some games
#Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay      # Might be required for some games, WARNING: This app cannot be reinstalled!

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#  The apps below this line will NOT be uninstalled by default, unless selected during custom mode app selection  #
#   or when launching the script with the specific parameters found in the Remove the # character in   #
#   front of any app you want to UNINSTALL by default.                                                            #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#Microsoft.GamingApp                    # Modern Xbox Gaming App, required for installing some PC games
#Microsoft.OutlookForWindows            # New mail app: Outlook for Windows
#Microsoft.People                       # Required for & included with Mail & Calendar
#Microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps    # Mail & Calendar
#Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay              # Game overlay, required/useful for some games
#Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay            # Game overlay, required/useful for some games